Certifications & Partnerships
We are Fully Certified and have Partnerships that Bring Best-in-Class Service Options to our Clients
Cummins Technology Partners
Cummins is proud to offer our clients the most advanced technology options that can modernize FM practices through proprietary equipment and data analytics implementation.
Facility Data Standard
Facility Data Standard is a shared platform that allows for intelligent management of services within an organization through improved data exchange and integration.
Advantages of FDS:
• Global view of workforce and assets
• Simplify supervision and supply tasks
• Lower cost of software tools
• Better integration throughout the enterprise
• Better integration of service provided within your value chain

Facility Genius
Facility Genius provides advanced, metric-driven technology to improve transparency, productivity, and efficiency leading to truly evidence-based cleaning.
What is Evidence-Based Cleaning?
Evidence-based cleaning is a method of cleaning that utilizes technology to track and analyze key data in order to substantiate and improve facility efficiencies. It shows what is being cleaned, by who, when and for how long. Cleaners use sensors and documentation to create real-time reports on services. Managers then use this data to study trends in building maintenance and use, and to create actionable strategies to improve cleaner performance.

Facility InSites
Facility InSites (FI) provides data collection, air quality measurements, tracking, and analysis technology and systems to understand your facility’s usage patterns and cleaning requirements in real time.
FI uses a sophisticated digital twin platform with endless IoT integration possibilities. FI brings great sensors together with even better software to rapidly put their collective data into action, creating safer, more efficient and more cost-effective spaces. Data is everywhere. Using sensors to measure different data points and provide facility information will deliver significant operational improvement.